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About the collection
Growing up is a weird thing i was simply a gamer and i just played whatever looked cool until as time goes by and as i started getting into more manga,anime and J-gaming especially from Square Enix.
In addition i was learning what were my likes and dislikes are and i simply switched from being a gamer and geek to a complete otaku who plays purely Japanese developed and published games only because i was enjoying it more and more and i decided that i shouldn't buy a game just because its popular but to always stick to what you are perfectly comfortable and happy with and discard what you dislike and to also educate myself about the gaming industry and also not be a Consoomer.
The same goes for manga and anime where its basically purely the only thing i watch completely.
Here's a list of stuff i gotten over the years.
(not 100 percent entirely accurate as i'm sure there is a fuck ton more of them somewhere on my shelves lol and thankfully i never lose or misplace stuff at all.)
(X) Don't Like
(Y) Did like
(N) Completetly indifferent
(Y*) Liked before i switched over to being a total otaku that now has total distaste of Western games and i'll never play them at all for the rest of my life.
-hexyz force
-god eater 2 jp import
-viewtiful joe redhot rumble
-tales radiant mythology
-bleach jp import
-wipeout pure
-djmax fever
-sweet fuse
-disgaea infinite darkness
-phantasy star portable
-ghost in the shell
-riveria the promised land
-Guilty Gear accent core
-yggdra union
-the legend of heroes (iv garghav)
-parappa the rapper
-AmiGami Eb Kore Plus (Y)
-Chaos Head Noah (Y)
-Final Fantasy Tactics (N)
-The 3rd Birthday (N)
-MGS Portable command (Y)
-Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7 (Y)
-chaos head love chu chu
-project diva 1
-project diva extend
-Street Fighter alpha max 3 (Y)
-Monster hunter freedom 2 (Y)
-Dragonball budokai 3 (Y)
-Little busters converted edition (Y)
- horizon on the middle of nowhere psp (Y)
-Valkyre Profile Lenneth (Y)
-Disadia Final Fantasy (Y)
-Disadia Final Fantasy 2 (Y)
-Lucky Star Net Meister(N)
-NANA Everything is controlled by the great demon king(Y)
-Comic Party (N)
-Haganai (N)
-terror of strauss (Y)
-Dear Drops Distance (N)
-Suzumiya Haruhi no Yakusoku(N)
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yakusoku prenium box edition (Y for the box n for the game)
-White breath with faint hope perfect edition (Y)
-Dream Lantern (Y)
-Hayate the combat butler s2 (N)
-Anohana visual novel (Y)
-Student Councils Discretion LV2 (Y)
-Project Diva 2nd (Y)
-final famtasy 1
-azur lane
-neptunia sister vs sister
-mario golf
-marl kingdom
-smt v vengeance
-variable barricade
-paradim paradox
-fatal frame maiden of dark water
-piofore 2
-colalr x malice
-collar x malice unlimited
-star ocean
-cafe enchante
-charade maniac
-anonymous code
-trails reverie
-trails nayuta
-norn9 var commons
-p5 tactica
-re triple pack
-akibas strip undead and undressed
-jack jeanne
-street fighter 30th anniversary
-trails from azure
-kirby return to dreamland deluxe
-if my heart had wings
-legend of mana (y)
-pikmin 3 (Y)
-pokemon violet (n)
-nis classics 1,2,3 (y)
-silver case switch version (N)
-The World Ends With You Final Remix (Y)
-Megaman zero collection (Y)
-megaman battle network
-monster hunter generations
-monster hunter stories
-triangle stragey (y)
-paper mario origami king (n)
-skyward sword (y)
-tears of the kingdom
-links awakeining (y)
-splatoon 2 (y)
-metroid dread (y)
-metroid prime
-moon rpg remix (y)
-undertale (y)
-Va-Halla bartender (Y)
-Legend Of Zelda BOTW(Y)
-Fire Emblem Warriors(N)
-Bayonetta 2(Y)
-Xenoblade 2(Y)
-super mario party (y)
-Xenoblade 1 (Y)
-Warioware get it togeter (Y)
-Age Of Calamity (Y)
-Mario Oddsey (Y)
-Pokemon Dungeon GX (Y)
-Worlds End Club (N)
-The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles (Y)
-SMT V (Y)
-SMT 3 (Y)
-kh melody of memories (n)
-persona 5 strikers
-Octopath Traveler (Y)
-octopath travler 2
-No more heroes 3 (Y)
-astral chain (Y)
-mario party superstars (y)
-animal crossing new horizons (Y)
-smash ultimate (y)
-fe 3 houses (y)
-fe 3 hopes (y)
-fe engage
-sonic mania
-advance wars 1-2
-omori (y)
-live a live (y)
-rune factory 5 (n)
-xenoblade 3 (y)
-disgaea 6 (n)
-catherine (y)
-capcom fighting collection
-kirby forgotten
-mario strikers battle league
-project diva megamix
-xenoblade de jp version
-xenoblade torna jp
-neo twewy
-pokemon legends areceus
-monster hunter rise
-bravely default 2
-castelvania collection
-bayonetta 3
-splatoon 3
-river city girls 1-2
-street fighter 30th aniversary
-house of the dead
-ai sominum nirvana
-pokemon brilliant diamond
-kibry star allies
-scott pilgrim vs the world
-master detective archives rain code
-death mark
-norn 9 fandisc
-needy girl overdose
-travis strkes again
-olympia soriee
-lover pretend
-radiant tale
-mario rpg
-paper mario
-cry machina
-archtype arcadai
-sea of stars
-kill la kill if
-chaos head/chaoschild
-Elemental Gearbolt(Y)
-Saga frontier(Y)
-Castlevania Symphony of the night(Y)
-ehrgheiz god bless the ring
-brave fencer musashi
-threads of fate
-Lunar silver star story(Y)
-parasite eve(Y)
-Beyblade let it rip!(X)
-Thousand Arms(Y)
-Oni zero (Y)
-chrono cross
-Xenogears JP Version
-Double Cast
-Kisetsu o Dakishimete
-Xenogears (Y)
-bushido blade
-saga frotnier
-Alundra JP version
-hack infection
-crimson tears
-Killer7 (Y)
-digital devil saga 1 and 2 (y)
-star ocean till the end of time (y)
-Dirge of Cerberus ff7 (N)
-Xenosaga ep 1 (Y)
-The Bouncer (Y)
-Godhand (Y)
-resident evil code veronica (Y)
-Devil may cry 1 (Y)
-Soul Calibur 2(Y)
-Dragon Ball Boudakai 1 (Y)
-Castlevania Lament Of Innocence(Y)
-Onimusha warlords (Y)
-Kingdom Hearts 1(Y)
-FMA 1(N)
-FMA 2 (N)
-MGS2 (Y)
-Viewtiful Joe (Y)
-musashi legend (y)
-shadow of colossus (Y)
-FFX (Y)
-wild arms 3
-Street fighter alpha anthrology (Y)
-suikdoen 3
-Crazy Taxi (N)
-xenosaga trilogy jp variant
-Dragon Ball z Boudakai 2 (Y)
-Arc the lad twilight spirits(N)
-The Last Story (Y)
-Madworld (Y)
-warioland shake it
-trauma team
-trace memoy 2
-fragile shattered dreams
-Trauma Center second opinion (Y)
-Trauma new blood (y)
-No More Heroes (Y)
-no more heroes 2(y)
-Metroid Prime 3 (Y)
-Donkey kong country (Y)
-Legend Of Zelda Twlight Princess (Y)
-Mario and Sonic winter olympic games (N)
-Super Mario Galaxy (Y)
-Mario Kart WII (Y)
-Wii fit plus (Y)
-Sonic Colors (N)
-Wiifit (N)
-Super mario bros wii (Y)
-Mario Strikers (Y)
-Nights Journey Of Dreams (Y)
-panordas tower (y)
-xenoblade (Y)
-Pokemon battle collesium (Y)
-sin and punishment (Y)
-rune factory frontier (y)
-re village
-cladun knights
-scarlet nexus
-blaster master trilogy
-akibas beat
-code realize 2 pack
-code realize winter
-tales arise
-god eater 3
-sao lost song
-trailsd cold steel 3
-ys lacrimosa
-senran kagura reburst
-strangers of paradise
-tekken 7
-resident evil 3
-under night in birth
-lost judgement
-yakuza like a dragon
-digmon cyberceluth
-persona 5 royal
-star ocean
-one piece world seeker
-monster hunter world
-digimon next order
-resident evil revelsations 2
-akibas trip anniversay edition (N)
-the alliance alive
-guilty gear revelator 1 and 2
-trails from zero
-root last letter day one edition (y)
-Nier Replicant (y)
-ff7 remake deluxe
-blue reflection 2 (n)
-Our world has ended (N)
-Project Diva X (Y)
-Galgun Double Peace (y)
-Galgun 2 (y)
-Okami (y)
-umihara bazooka (y)
-tactics ogre
-no more heroes 3
-sakura wars (y)
-Song Of Memories (Y)
-Kandagawa Jet Girls day 1 edition (y)
-soul hackers 2 (y)
-Robotic Notes Double Dash Elite day 1 edition (Y)
-Final Fantasy 7 Remake (Y)
-Danganronpa trilogy(Y)
-Blue Reflection (X)
-Dragon quest 11 (Y)
-Nier Automata(Y)
-Kingdom Hearts 3 (Y)
-Kingdom Hearts 1.5 2.5 (Y)
-Kingdom Hearts 2.8 (Y)
-Final Fantasy XV deluxe edition (Y)
-Gravity Rush 2 (Y)
-Devil may cry v (Y)
-Devil May Cry trilogy (Y)
-Bloodborne (Y)
-Disgaea 1 complete (Y)
-Disgaea 5 (Y)
-Final Fantasy Type 0 (Y)
-Soul Calibur Vi (N)
-Secret Of mana (X)
-Date A Live Rio Reincarnation (Y)
-Chaos Child (Y)
-Psycho Pass Mandatory Happiness (Y)
-Silver Case (N)
-judgement (y)
-the 25th ward (N)
-Fist of the north star lost paradise (Y)
-MGSV Phantom Pain (Y)
-Tales Of Berseria (N)
-Persona 5 (Y)
-battlefield iv (X)
-Yakuza 1 kiwami (Y)
-Yakuza 2 kiwami (Y)
-Yakuza 0 (Y)
-injustice 2 (Y*)
-Yakuza 6 (Y)
-infamous second son (Y*)
-killzone shadow fall (X)
-Dark Rose Valkyre (N)
-Mirrors Edge Catalyst (Y*)
-Dishonored 1 (Y*)
-Dishonred 2 (Y*)
-Dishonored death to the outsider (Y*)
-Prey (Y*)
-dragon age inquistion (Y*)
-doom (N*)
-fallout 4 (N)
-mortal kombat x (N)
-middle earth shadow of war (N)
-the witcher 3 (Y*)
-COD black ops 3 (X)
-Battlefield 1(X)
-god of war(Y*)
-Battlefield Hardline (X)
-mass effect andromeda (X)
-metro redux (X)
-sleeping dogs (N)
-batman arkham knight (Y*)
-batman telltale season (Y*) Transformers Devastation (Y)
-Steins Gate Elite (Y)
-darksiders 2(Y*)
-Wolfenstein 2 (X)
-borderlands sequel hd collection (N)
-tales of borderlands (Y*)
-.hack/gu (N)
-Horizon Zero Dawn (N*)
-Deus Ex Mankind divided (N)
-Assasins Creed Syndicate(N)
-Blade Strangers (y)
-Ni no kuni revenant kingdom (Y)
-caligula effect 2
-ms dragon maid
-valkria chornicles 4
-ys memoreis of celcta
PS Vita
-Disgaea 3 (Y)
-corpse party
-arcana heart 3
-Steins Gate 0 JP version (Y)
-Utakami 575
-bad aple war
-mind zero
-phantom breaker
-persona 4 golden
-trails of cold steel
-stella glow
-tenkai knights
-7th dragon codevfd
-smt iv
-project x zone
-ff theathrythm
-project mirai
-kirby triple deluxe
-story of seasons
-resident evil revelations
-Fire Emblem Birthright (Y)
-Devil Survivor Overclocked (Y)
-Devil Survivor Record Breaker (Y)
-Soul Hackers (Y)
-rune factory 4
-Bravely Default (N)
-Bravely Second(N)
-Final Fantasy Explorers(X)
-Mario and Luigi dream team (Y)
-Mario and Luigi bowsers inside story. (Y)
-Fire Emblem Conquest (Y)
-Fire Emblem Shadows Of Valentia Echos(Y)
-Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon (Y)
-Super Smash Bros 3ds(Y)
-Pokemon Rumble(N)
-SMT Strange Journey Redux(Y)
-Radiant Historia Perfect Chronology (Y)
-SMT Apocalypse IV(Y)
-Legend Of Zelda Link Between Worlds(Y)
-Legend Of Zelda Ocaraina Of Time(Y)
-Legend Of Zelda tri Force Heroes(X)
-Super Mario 3d Land(Y)
-Super Mario bros 2(Y)
-Tomodachi Life(N)
-Monster Hunter 3 ultimate(Y)
-Mario Kart 7(Y)
-Conception 2(N)
-mario luigi superstar saga
-miami law
-bleach dark souls
-castlevania order of eclesia
-trauma team
-animal crossing wild world
-stock market trading Japanese game by capcom lol
-summon night
-touch detective
-jump super stars
-d gray man ds game
-love plus
-naruto shippuden 2
-viewitful joe
-pokemon black
-Soma Bringer (y)
-appolo justice (y)
-pokemon soulsilver (y)
-super princess peach (y)
-Phantasy Star Zero JP version
-TWEWY JP version
-Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days JP version
-Legend Of Zelda Phantom Hour Glass (Y)
-Dragon Quest Rocket Slime (Y)
-Contact (N)
-Pheonix Wright Ace Attorney (Y)
-Ace Attorney Justice For All (Y)
-Final Fantasy revenant wings(Y)
-super robot saga o.g endless frontier (Y)
-Meteos 1(Y)
-Legend Of Zelda Spirit Tracks(Y)
-Sakura Note (Y)
-Valkyre Profile Plume(Y)
-Legendary Starfy(Y)
-Pokemon Pearl(Y)
-Children Of Mana (N)
-Heroes Of Mana(N)
-Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon(Y)
-Ace Attorney Trials And Tribulations (Y)
-Guilty Gear Dust Strikers (N)
-Lost in blue(Y)
-Star Fox Command(N)
-Hotel Dusk 215(Y)
-Trace Memory(Y)
-Infinite Space(Y)
-Sands Of Destruction(N)
-Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days(Y)
-elite beat agents (y)
-Mario and luigi partners in time (Y)
-Time hollow (N)
-Glory Of Heracles (N)
-Professor Layton Curious Village (Y)
-Professor Layton Diabolical
-Professor Layton Unwound Future(Y)
-Wario Master Of disguise (Y)
-Mario Sonic 2008(N)
-Mario hoops 3 on 3(N)
-Castlevania Dawn Of Sorrow(Y)
-Caslevania Portrait Of Ruin(Y)
-Final Fantasy 4 (Y)
-Final Fantasy 3 (Y)
-Final Fantasy Ring Of Fate(N)
-Chrono trigger (Y)
-final fantasy tactics a2 (Y)
-Final fantasy heroes of light(Y)
-Fossil Fighters (N)
-Custom Robo Arena (Y)
-A Witches Tale(N)
-A Witches Wish(N)
-Final Fantasy Chocobo Tales(Y)
-Dragon Quest Joker (Y)
-Dragon Quest IX (Y)
-Dragon Quest IV (Y)
-Ghost Trick Phantom Detective (Y)
-FMA Dual Sympathy (N)
-Lunar Dragon Song (X)
-Jake Hunter Detective Chronicles (N)
-Flower sun and rain (X)
-Miles Edgeworth Ace Attorney (Y)
-Disgaea 1 ds (N)
-Kirby canvas curse (N)
-Kirby Squeek (Y)
-Steal Princess (N)
-Advance Wars Days Of Ruin(Y)
-Master of the monster lair (N)
-Lego Harry Potter 5-7 (X)
-My Melody (N)
-Golden Sun Dark Dusk (Y)
-Ninja Gaiden (N)
-Rhapsody a musical adventure (N)
-Kirby Super Star Ultra (Y)
-spectral forces genesis
-lunar kngihts
-capcom vs snk
-magical starsign
-knights in the nightmare
-arcana heart
-house of the dead
-ar tonelico
-ninja gaiden
-cross edge
-Nier (Y)
-witch and hundred knight
-dark souls
-silent hill hd
escha and logy
-trails into cold steel
-dead or alive 5
-guilty gear 3 xign
-Casting Voice CV (Y)
-Love Once mermaids tears preinum box edition (Y)
-Robotics Notes (Y)
-Yakuza 4 (Y)
-Mugen Souls (N)
-Records of agarest 2 (N)
-Hatsune Miku Diva F (Y)
-Libreation Girl Sin Limited edition (Y)
-Hatsune Miku Diva F 2 (Y)
-Awakend Fate Paradox (Y)
-Killer Is Dead (N)
-Game Of thrones (X)(ATLUS)
-Dragons Dogma (N)
-Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen (N)
-Dragons Quest Origins (N)
-DMC 4 (Y)
-tom clancy ghost recon future soldier (X)
-splinter cell blacklist (X)
-degenki bunko fighting climax (N)
-Resident Evil 6 (N)
-bioshock infinite (N)
-Need For Speed The Run (N)
-Afro Samurai (N)
-time crisis 4 (N)
-dynasty warriors 7 (N)
-valkyria chronicles (Y)
-final fantasy 13 (N)
-final fantasy 13-2(N)
-dynasty warriors gundam 2 (N)
-Resident evil 5(Y)
-ni no kuni 1 (Y)
-The Guided Fate Paradox (Y)
-Street Fighter IV(Y)
-Soul Calibur IV (Y)
-Tekken 6 (Y)
-ff 13-3 (n)
-Virtua Fighter 5 (Y)
-Disgaea 3 (Y)
-Disgaea 4(Y)
-Disgaea d2 (Y)
-Love Once Mermaids Tears (Y)
-Metal Gear hd collection (Y)
-Metal Gear Revengance (Y)
-Bodycount (X)
-Lost Dimension (N)
-Steins Gate (Y)
-Steins Gate my darlings embrace (Y)
-Haruhi Reminence (Y and its the prenium box edition complete.)
-Haruhi Reminence (Y regular edition)
-Sonicomi (Y)
-White Album (Y)
-Tales of zestria (N)
-Vanquish (Y)
-Resonance of fate (Y)
-Bayonetta (Y)
-Shadows Of The Dammend (N)
-clannad (y)
-we without wings (y)
-Zone Of Enders (Y)
-Persona 4 Arena (Y)
-Persona 4 Arena Ultimax (Y)
-Blazblue Continuum shift (X)
-Mirrors Edge (Y*)
-battlefield bad company 2 (X)
-Skyrim (Y*)
-saints row 4 (X)
-The sabateour (N)
-mass effect trilogy (N)
-drakengard 3 (X)
-the last of us (Y*)
-gta v (X)
-Tekken Tag Team 2 (Y)
-Naruto storm generations (Y)
-injustice gods among us (Y*)
-lego batman 3 (Y*)
-dead space 3 (N)
-Transformers Fall of cybertron (Y*)
-transformers war for cybertron (Y*)
-bulletstorm (X)
-Yakuza 3 (N)
-Resident Evil operation racoon city (X)
-wanted weapons of fate (X)
-mgs4 (Y)
-bleach soul ressurection
-tales of xillia
-casltevania 2
-fairy fencer
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