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Main sources where i get stuff in my area keep in mind i don't really use ebay or espeically etsy either. 

I especially don't buy stuff thats from 3rd party unoficial merch either and i wouldn't buy anything at all from the online Funimation store either same goes for hot topic. 

-Indie game stores 

-Value Village (The amount of stuff from ex weebs and former casuals really surprises me. Also sometimes you could find like Asian imports of anime there like thats something you'd only see in Animate,Sofmap or Beep. Mainly in the predominatly Asian areas of Ontario. And i am 200 percent sure those ex weebs are literally dead irl as they are online lol)

-Best Buy (More focused on newer stuff these days so not really) 

-EB games mainly new stuff nothing really of interest to me

-Indie book stores (It really depends on what store i visit because some places has porikore crybullies running the place and associating themselves with other porikore crybully "entertainers" and i don't buy from those places at all.)

-HMV (Closed now )

-Pawn shops

-Amazon (Western baka trashy gaijins be censoring and banning stuff be it from woke trash cancer companies like the media or entertainment or from salty business competitors and karens.)

-Wal Mart (Oh sure avatar and the dcau are anime don't bother going there at all because Karens are all fucking insuferable cancertards and anybody who's a Karen in anyway should be detained and thrown into the loony bin)

-Indie video stores 

-flea markets

Online importing retailers i have a list on so i could keep in mind if i could use them 
to get better deals or if Amazon doesn't have and especially with how Karens and Western Baka trash Gaijins are banning and censoring stuff. Just goes to show how normies and polikore crybullies should always be gatekept.
And seriously, if you really wanna directly support Japanese hobbyist stores and the anime industry this is the way to go.

-japananimedia ex
-media max-games's online store
-kyouu hobby shop
-nojima online
-otaku square
-Navito World
-Japan Retro direct
-anime npc
-Ultra Tokyo Connection
-Aitai Kuji
-Nippon Yasan
-Japanime games
-Mediacom toy
-Great eastern entertainment
-Bandai prenium
-Max factory
-good smile
-Gundam Planet
-Melon books
-K-books (These guys owe their sucess to buying stuff SIMPtakus really don't want especially when their idols get married)
-Square Enix online store
-Production I.G online store
-nitroplus online store
-right stuf
-hobby search
-hobby link Japan
-Tokyo Otaku Mode
-Dekai anime
-Plaza Japan
-Solaris Anime
-Animate International 
-Nin Nin
-Play Asia
-Yes Asia
-Akiba Games
-Aniplex Plus
-Cd Japan
-Otaku Store
-Otaku house
-Sofmap's online store
-Plaza Japan
-Kyoani's Online store 
-Hardoff/bookoff's online store
-Aniplex online store 
-horiporo online shop
-Japan Play Moya (Sadly a casuality from Covid-19)
-Entertainment Hobby Shop Jungle
-big in Japan
-tam tam hobby shop online shop
-yellowsubmarine online store
-Yahoo auctions Japan (Expect this to be taken down anytime soon especially since they own Tumblr and called Halloween costumes like stormtroopers to be cancelled)
-comic zin online shop
-japanzon store
-j4u (japan 4 u)
-volks online shop
-Alicias anime
-the anime corner store
(The only site here that uses a geocite like format.)
-Joshin web shop
-seven net shopping
-Ani Mu-Mo


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