2024 christmas haul
Well its the end of the year now and with that here's what i got for Christmas.
the game from the case is summon knight twin age and 7th dragon that i got from retro game bros during their black friday sale.
psycho pass providence i got from amazon i bought this specifically just so i can support the series existing and have a full conclussion so mika could finally fucking die already and also akane too and tie up all the loose ends someday.
Now for the remainderof the photos here's the sources of where i got the other stuff from.
Shoppers drug mart was Mario Golf as they had it on sale not something you see with electronics or games there everyday London Drugs iirc has a huger selection pity its too fucking far away in my area. :/
Blaster Master Project X Zone Crimson Tears were from also Retro Game Bros long with touch detective too.
Growlasner was from Amazon and also the Growlanser artbook and the smt devil survivor and miku omnibus too and the miku omnibus is the only manga i got from amazon. My miku puzzle was also from gamestop there as well too.
And no sadly atlus are still being pieces of shit with enabling the milking and resting their laurels on the same shit with persona 3-5 and every other thing neglected like all other fucking big ass triple a companies do these days as well as rewarding their fucking braindead clearly need to be put in the asylums asap fanbase too.
I can't even fucking believe that there was even a fucking article from the most dogshit gaming site there is thegamer making an article bout other atlu sgames but ones that normally are knownish round the personasphere like eterian oddesy so yeah all in all fuck the triple a gaming industry and their dicksucking shills too. :/
re village NG+ Eternights was from a gamestop same as rhapsody a musical adventure which i actually bought last year christmas eve during a trip to downtown in my area surprise i actually do go outside rarely. :P Same as well as the Tylor anime from a place called bmv in the downtown area.
Ar Tonelico and cross x edge was from wegotgamez and ar tonelico by far is one of the biggest gems i got in my collection.
ff theathrythm.hack ff2 and ff1 and the neptunia game was from buy and sell kings.
smt v vengeance and princess peach showtime was from best buy.
Value village wise ninja gaiden ff10 and godeater 2 all from value village surprising that god eater 2 was there as they don't really carry imports so often.
None of the amazon stuff i got was from third sellers book wise only one with growlanser for the psp.
Every other anime manga and one mha boardgame and weeb merch came from value village my guess where it originated from long with every other secondhand item from value village i got over the years dead ekids who overdosed from the amount of drugs they did,ex library copies im 100 percent sure came from some pissed off tradcath school getting butthurt over Japan existing lol or some radical leftist school either lol.
With all that being said its by far one of the biggest hauls i've got in my time as a collector and with that all being said happy whatever holidays ya'll celebrate and cya all around too sorry for the inactivity lately health issues is a nightmare but i'll recover soon enough.