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Final fantasy 1 for the psp is a remake of the original final fantasy. 

Storywise its very basic it focuses on 4 heroes to stop the villain save the princess and restore the crystals and this is as simple as it gets considering this was before the time games were starting to get more complex and ambitious with their storytelling and dont expect your characters to be memorable at all whatsoever save for the black mage considering how its appearance has been utilized over the years. 

Graphics and artwise its pretty decent. 

Combat wise its the atypical turn based ff game at the time. 

The game has its very high random encounter rate that can be grating from time to time. 

The music is pretty good. 

You can choose from a variety of classes and unlock more as time goes by.


The game does have alot of backtracking to it and get used to having to manage your items quite frequently too especially in dire  situations too. 

In addition you are going to look up at a guide online from time to time considering how vague it is on what to do and where to go next. 

It has a new dungeon called Labyrinth of time if you are looking for more challenges. 

The cgi cutscenes still hold up well to this day. 

Overall it was a decent remake. 

It gets 3 out of 5 stars. 



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