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Corpse Party

Corpse Party for the 3DS is a remake of the original PC-98 point and click horror game by Mages and GrisGris. It focuses on a group of high school students, who are teleported into an abandoned and derelict high school. They discover that numerous murders and kidnappings occurred in the school, and they have to escape the evil spirits that haunt the place. There is no fighting in the game unlike the original pc-98 version, you have to use your wits to find clues and solve puzzles to discover what is going on. The game is in five chapters, and you move through each chapter in bursts. 

The story is convoluted, and the visuals are very graphic and gory as expected from a horror game. The story drags on a bit because of the dialogue and you cannot skip because of the cutscenes. The game follows a more point and click style where enemy evasion and obstacles cause damage and not, the jrpg battle system like the original. The wrong endings in the game can get pretty messy so if you don’t have a strong stomach, you really got to be careful with decision making in the game as one wrong dialogue choice or missing item can lead to a bad ending. 

The characters are nothing memorable or all that unique as they were all bland. Ayumi especially was a huge weak link full of self-pity and totally self absorbed. 

The game has extra chapters that does go more into the backstory each time you finish a main chapter in the game. I liked the graphics and the art direction the game was going with. The music in the game and overall audio design was impressive. 

Many of the objects in the game aren’t so easily highlighted so you are going to have to go around in circles to find the items of interest you are looking for. like floorboards for example. There isn’t a map feature and you really have to pay close attention to dialogue or else you have to rely on walkthroughs. 

There was an odd bug in Chapter 4. I had to restart it and re-do it to the point where I last left off due to a really strange bug where I would not be able to progress through the story and even on other ports too. Apparently from what I looked up online, its still there which is really beyond strange. 

Overall, it was a decent game. 

It gets 3 out of 5 stars. 



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