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Final Fantasy Tehatherythm curtain call

Final Fantasy Tehatherythm Curtain Call is a musical spin off of the Final Fantasy games. 

The game has a huge cast from alot of final fantasy games from the spin offs to the mainline entries. 

Same can be said for the amount of songs too unfortunately i couldn’t really find the legendary classics from ff10-2 real emotion and 1000 words considering how much those songs are highly beloved its really a snub not seeing them there. 

You basically defeat the enemies based on the timing of how you hit the buttons and of course the occasional summons to as well depending on how well you do. 

The graphics are decent and the art was decent as well too. 

No real story to mention just play as much songs as you want to get the highest score possible. 

The new critical hit Trigger can be used to perform a critical hit for more damage against enemies. Hitting it can also give a chance of acquiring items. The critical hit Triggers are glowing notes that can appear in any kind of song, be it event, battle, or field, but functions differently in each: In an event song, hitting a critical hit Trigger perfectly could reward the player with a treasure chest; getting a critical hit Trigger in a battle will do more damage; getting critical hit Trigger right when moving through the field will grant a boost of speed.[3] 

The new Daily Feature track shows a new track every day. Clearing the daily feature track will give x1.5 the average Rhythm Points. One can also acquire more RP by clearing stages without missing notes. The points can be used to add bonuses to selected characters. 

The EX Burst Gauge fills by hitting the notes on beat. Once full, the player can select from nine different EX Burst skills that can be used to put the versus opponent in a disadvantageous position. One of the skills is Stoic Judge, where the player rules the opponents' notes as "bad," except for their critical notes. If one runs into a randomly appearing Fat Chocobo it will hook the player up with different treasures. The Museum feature that displayed various records, music, videos, and CollectaCards, which have their own rarity ranks. 

During the short, medium, and long quests the player takes on different maps and fights bosses in Quest Medley mode. Players are rewarded for defeating bosses, and completed maps can be shared with other players through StreetPass. 

Everything is done in increments. The player must play single player mode songs and earn points to unlock every game mode, as well as options within each mode. The same goes for songs. 

Lot of extra content in it too but lot of odd choices like characters as dlc is just beyond stupid like Yuffie is already one of the more so popular characters weird having them as part of dlc even real emotion is dlc sadly. 

Overall it was an ok game. 

It gets 3 out of 5 stars. 



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