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house of the dead overkill extended cut

House Of The Dead Overkill Extended Cut is a updated version of the original overkill game for the ps3. 

Its a non canon prequel to the first game and it focuses on AMS agent G and local detective Issac Washington as they are off to stop the zombies and Papa Caeser’s plans with them. 

The game has an extended story showing stuff that wasn’t in the wii version and also more modes to have fun around in. 

You can rescue civilians for bonus points. 

Its not really a long game, it can take bout a day to finish. 

You can upgrade and unlock a bunch of weapons as the game progresses. 

The unique level designs were creative and fun. 

Like before its an on rails first person shooter main goal kill all enemies head to the next area till you reach the boss then on to the next chapter. 

The characters in contrast to the mainline games actually have personalities and chemistry and not just one note stuff alone.  

Boss fights are pretty creative and fun to fight through. 

Issac Washington by far has to be one of the best horror characters in J-horror history seriously, the comedy the dialogue the flair he has you would never see such a character in todays times because of how funny he is. 

Even Agent G joins in on the fun too and the byronic kind of friendship they have is a huge highlight to me in the game. 

Once upon a time this game even broke the world record for most cusses in a video game till  the normalfag pandering game mafia 2 came along. 

The music is pretty decent. 

Theres a decent amount of mini games there to play too. 

You have the option to switch to 3d a gimmick of quite a bit of ps3 games at the times of the early to mid 2010s if you have a 3d compatible tv of course. 

The game did some technical hiccups here and there mainly with the frame rate. 

The art and graphics were decent. 

Overall it was an alright game. 

It gets 3 out of 5 stars. 



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