Jikandia is a jrpg exclusive for the psp.
Its developed by Opus and Idea Factory and published by Askys games ages ago.
The whole game was developed in mind to pass the time while during the train commute since back then in the 2000s portable games on console while big in the U.S it was pretty big too in Japan due to the on the go culture there.
It focuses on a group of students who must fight through dungeons in a certain period of time to make it back to the real world.
Each level you enter is randomly generated and the main goal is to reach to the end and defeat bosses as quickly as possible.
It utilzes a 2d platformer format too.
Each dungeon that the player clears earns a new friend that can fight with the main player; after rescuing them, the player can bring up to two of these friends to fight with them in future dungeons. Each friend has different strengths and weaknesses, introducing strategic decisions that the player must consider.
The game can be kind of heavy on the micromanagement side of things with so many items to equip with so many debuffs and increases to the point sometimes the risk outweighs the reward so not really worth it.
The concept for its time was unique and nowadays you can see its isekai concept in just bout any anime there is at this moment.
The pixel graphics were pretty decent and so was the artstyle too.
Oveall it was an ok game.
It gets 3 out of 5 stars.