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Kill La Kill If

Kill La Kill IF is a video game adaptation of the anime series of the same name. 

Its an alternate re-telling of the original anime focusing on a what if scenario if it was Satsuki as the lead mc than Ryuko. 

The story itself is generally ok and one thing to note about fanservice about the series the more clothes strips the more “freedom” in a way they characters earn. 

The characters are pretty faithful to the original and still retain the original charm that they had in the anime especially Mako being one of the most eccentric and hilarious character since Master Roshi from dragonball z.

The game is said to be accessible to newcomers of the series, but honestly you’re really better off with the anime and even the manga too instead cause pf how cramped they put in the major plots of the story. 

Its pretty short too where it can take you like a day to finish. 

The voice acting is pretty good since the voice actors reprised their roles. 

The animation and visual style be it graphics or art is amazing so is the character designs too. 

The character variety is really small and with Mako of all people being DLC when even though she’s one of the biggest characters in the anime really doesn’t make any kind of sense at all. 

The combat itself is 3d hack and slash based where its atypical combat features and at certain points when your ability meter is filled you can use it to deal devastating damage to enemies. 

The stage variety is pretty minimal. 

The game does have some technical hiccups like frequent load times or stiffness from gameplay probably because of the version i played on the switch. 

The characters do have their own unique fighting styles to them like one character increasing damage by harming themselves. 

Theres a rock paper scissors mode during combat where you win or lose getting various effects that can help you in combat. 

The game has a decent amount of modes for the gameplay and some parts of the story are musou like where you have to defeat a lot of enemies and as expected the game will be button mashing damage sponges from time to time. 

Overall it was a decent fighting game. 

It gets 3 out of 5 stars. 


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