master blaster trilogy

Master Blaster Zero Trilogy is a series of remakes by Inti Creates originally developed by Sunsoft.

The game follows the western translated version of the story when it was originally released.
It focuses around Jason and his journey exploring earths underworld and discovering its secrets within it.
The story itself is ok thats really bout it and the characters are just nothing really special either.

The game notably has a retro style to it from the music,graphics and art is was pretty good and by the third game you can really see how much impressive they really are.
You can power up your vehicle Sophia as you progress through the game and earn upgrades too for your own personal equipment.
The shooting mechanics gets more and more refined throughout the games giving it some variation for fun ways to defeat enemies.
The game focuses heavily around exploration so you may need to use a walkthrough to figure out what to do next.
Since its metroidvania by the design theres lot of stuff to discover once you start to revisit places.
The boss fights can be quite the challenge to fight too.
Its a fairly long game too.
The physical media versions of the game conveniently has all of the dlc in it mainly other stuff inti creates has worked on
Overall it was a good game trilogy.
It gets 4 out of 5 stars.