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of adaptations and tie ins

So over the years you and of course you the reader have consumed a variety of media adaptations be it in print or digital on screen formats. 

With J-dramas it would be from Kagan No Tsuki considering my fondness for the manga Ai Yazawa has worked on, or the Parasite Eve movie since i remember being pretty into the games around the time that i even read the novel it was based on a jnovel site a long time ago ever since i found its existence from a random old walkthrough on youtube back when i was still in elementary school.  

Anime wise in a wide array of examples I'll chose a JRPG for my choice case being from The World Ends With You and various other adaptations of the Shin Megami Tensei games from Devil Survivor,Persona 4 and 5 and the older earlier smt games too. 

Now similarly, I've consumed quite a bit of tie-in media too, from buying exclusive Japanese imports of visual novel adaptations that were tie-ins to promote the series itself  one such outlier was a party game based around the Nana series for the psp i remember ordering on amazon ages ago. Not something you see everyday, but they were quite common back in the day during the 2000s like Hauhi Suzumiya having her own line of games to even Ouran and Vampire Knight having games on the ds as well, and i remember psycho pass having a non canon visual novel tie in by mages inc when they aren’t milking steins gate dry they usually pretty much take on tie in jobs to balance out the costly fees it takes to milk steins gate lol. 

Anime wise i remember looking at cyberpunk edgerunners, just cause it was worked on by studio trigger otherwise i admitedly would have not looked at it for any other reason but for that alone. Then theres the devil may cry anime, not the one by the castlevania netflix team which i refuse to look at as i rather not be giving Konami any of money considering how they still hadn’t brought back any of their other older ips that isn’t a gambling machine or how they done Kojima dirty too. 

I never seen the live action western adaptions of any of the capcom ips like resident evil,street fighter or monster hunter, i did seen the animated tie in movies though that are original stories to set up future events for games and I've seen the monster hunter stories anime adaptation and same for the street fighters 2 anime dubbed version too. 

See the pattern here? It was really out of an admittedly, cult like own personal sense of attachment to said series, now sure, there is still alot of Japanese media i like, but nowadays its not really with that same sense of admittedly passion or rose tinted glasses look to it, i mean I'll still buy merch,physical media andnd support it if thats the case for something i really like but nowadays not ALL OF THE TIME AND HERES SPECIFICALY WHY IN ALL CAPS. 

To put it simply, it all boils down to this advertisement thats it thats all alot of it is at the end of the day no originality nothing at all and alot of times its butchered ones too just look at the countless adaptations of video games to movies and vice versa, in capcoms case as of late if it isn’t the nepo projects of Anderson-Jovovich its rehashing resident evil as a movie again and again just to appeal to normalfags. Like all these adaptations are all honestly same can be said for the tie ins too.  

Also then comes the milking like how many more resident evil movies we really need? Not enough according to crapcom while breath of fire gets nothing here we are stuck with more resident evil movies for and by normalfags who’d be the same type of consummer putitng crapcom to the sword and cross as soon as they find out surprise surprise resident evil is a horror game thats it and the fact its old means yeah more reason for normalfags to put in the sword and throw all sorts of cancel culture kind of fuckery to it too. 

So to really put this in a nutshell not everything is made for everybody and not everything is meant to be adaptable either hence why you will never see a proper berserk adaptation at all its just too complex and long period.  

Thats really all there is to it, and it took me a long while really getting this to sink in deeply.  As i had this long misguided self delusion since i saw bayonetta bloody fate considering how mostly straight forward it was that it can be good but well expierence of seeing series get enshitifeid can really blackpill one out of said self delusion now.  

So thats really bout it with these 2 major factors, i just pretty much don’t see the point at all in making them in the first place its just advertisements thats it period and they are better off just with merch and physical copies thats it. 

What do you think bout adaptations let me know down in the comments below. 



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