Of microtransactions and degenerate gamblers and the irony of anti capitalism
Well now, heres a topic I've ranted frequently on my reviews from to time the most beyond unnecessary and useless feature ever to be put into gaming.
Paying money for shit that you could get organically in game or paying for stuff that should have been in the vanila base in the first or these days gacha/lootbox degeneracy.
Its been a thing for ages and its something thats gotten more and more egregious as time went by, like on its own paying for shit you should see in the first place in the vanilla format or can get organically is already digital aids on its own, and now gambling for shit thats just fucking retarded as beyond fucking hell honestly.
For a more personal anecdote, my father used to work for a guy who owed people alot of money not just his own employees due to his own degenerate gambling habits long story short, the mob robbed his store and sent him to the morgue after beating him to death im not even kidding pretty much the reason why my dad switched to his other job till he retired.
Also on a more general moral side of things, there is no winning players to gambling the house always wins doesn’t matter how fair it is, the house always has to win and meyer lansky said it best that if you want to make money from gambling own a casino and in this case EA,Activision,Mihoyo,take two and Nintendo have the cards that win here.
Like the more you pay the more likely you will get what you want or crash and burn till you get it.
I've had quite the amount of stories sent to me from kids running their parents credit card limit up for splurging on sonic mobile,twitch streamers and onlyfans now spending money social media is cringe too as equal to spending on gambling addictions.
For the kids side of things, when you see people they look up to (for all the wrong reasons) like kai cenat,drake or ricegum do gambing shit for like say whatever normalfag game thats trending right now be it some fps or sports game. Kids and grown ups are both as equally as retarded and gulliable as one another let me be clear on this, all generations past present and future are all full of shit like cultures,countries and soyciaty itself they all are equally total dogshit and pretty much a huge factor why im a dropout of sociaty and share no love or any kind of patriosism at all to anything irlwise at all whatsoever period.
Ok now on that mini rant i had to get out of my system out of the way, be it all generations, gambling appeals to base instinct and the more one gambles away and loses the more unhinged they become at the cost of losing everything.
I've seen this alot with people splurging on dlc just to keep some nichie ip alive but honestly now at this point in life im too tired to see another entry of a nichie ip cause of increased exposure to normalfags and enshitification so that money doesnt really go to the company it goes to whomever you are getting the dlc from the online store from like the psn store case in point.
Genshit fans especially are like this, from sending death threats to mihoyoverse if it isn’t for character design bullshit or age gap fuckery its to mihoyoverse if they dont get their ironic goo goo gaga male fetishist ironic misandrist thirsttrap characters.
Then comes the apologism to communism to just for their own ironic justification of gambling addiction yet ironically bashing capitalism too like I've seen this weird paradox of tolerance for capitalism as long as it suits me but not for thee. From lazy as shit normalfags using dlc to get the boost ahead just enshitifying the product ahem looking at you crapcom and your fuckery for preorders back in the early 2010s.
Like the amount of microtranaction defenders I've ironically seen more from the so called “fans” of said ips then the companies themselves weirdly at least from what i noticed.
Like really defending atlus recent bullshit of updated games and adding more dlc to what is supposed to be an already complete game to, muh acessibility is necessary like bruh.
The amount of fucking corporate bootlicking is just fucking embarassing like this is what happens when self respect is gone and your entire identity is nothing but a brainrot brand.
Like its funny to me mad bout capitliasm cause you can’t afford shit due to ones own brainrot consoomerism as a sole personality trait and blaming inflation for your own issues and taking part in autistic lolcow tiktoktard faggotry trends just to fight capitalism for your own downfalls get fucking real, capitalism isn’t going anywhere commie sorry to say that the nuclear fusion generator from mihyoverse something you lefties hate but its fine cause you guys are doing it you’re only just playing yourselves in the end.
So yeah long story short, you’re an imbecile if you buy dlc online gamble in anyway shape or form and i have zero sympathy if you end up on the streets or if someone you owe money to sends you on a slab after they find the body in the back of the trunk with hollow points cause you couldn’t pay up happens to you period.
So don’t be gambling addict kids, stay away from fandoms and influencers and stay away from the temptation of buying stuff online too period thats all i have to say so cya around.