Of pushing headcannons and self righetous hypocritical holier than thou obnoxiousness
Ok so this is another case of beating a deadhorse, but heres another case of my observations that i keep witnessing that just serves as more fuel to my evedential rantpoints on why i avoid fandoms at all times and just keep to myself.
Now headcannons on its own nothing new, seen it before with people making theories to fill in plotholes of the half assed story of rune factory 5 as theres lot of things that are looking to be left resolved allegedly to rune factory 6 and the spin off games but knowing marvelous its just going to be more of the same milking the farming shit and attack dethrone god romance shit but on its own i get it basically theories to resolve plotholes and thats bout it.
Now these days especially ever since the pron purge of tumblr and how they migrated to other hellhole social media sites like twitter,discord and preddit its basically just to push their own sexual fetishes especially actually ironic misogynistic/misandristic ones like Naoto is a 41 percenter,Kenji is bi and Sonic the hedgehog is a gay ally.
Bruh bruh bruh and bruh, any fucking game developer with a rare fucking brain woulda shot this shit down but you have retards like sega and nintendo keep enabling and rewarding such bad behaviors especially kids and use them ironically just to groom them as not only as mindless consoomers with brainrot as a sole personality trait but also for sextoys for sex predators too since where the minors are roaming for whatever current thing is popular right now, thats where they will be.
Now on the relationship side of things, its basically this its always fucking double standards always has been the case goo goo ga ga over shotas having sexual provilcities and activities of the sort or any scene from yarichan bitch club and buy as much smut pron of books of every fetish under the sun yet somehow age gap short height and whatnot equal pedophilia yet doesn’t count cause its a boy.
But lo and behold the big catch is always this, its always pedophiles complaining bout pedophilia in fiction, just to make them feel less guilty bout the shit they do, and they are always the type of people you see that Chris Hansen goes after and even he doesn’t go after people who jack off to fictional drawings as its always is has and will be that and in the end of the day and at the end of this article its all fucking fiction period, stay away from fandoms at all times and keep reporting blocking the cringey shit that these antis are doing and you’ll be fine period.