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of real life vs the internet

Now heres a dozy of a thread piece from me. 

So me personally I've been pretty much just finding myself, avoiding mainstream normalfag social media at all times, and sticking to alt tech social media,forums that are pro freespeech expression weeb oriented ones like varis cause one any forum based around a series i like is pretty much just total dogshit full of wokies annoying minors normalfags obnoxious jannies with a house gordon freeman photoshop pfp or no life obnoxious shitposter losers larping as jockies like the clowns from the anilist or myanimelist forums. 

Online sure you’re highly likely to see others with similar tastes and interests but if you’re me personally its just total isolation and rather be left alone as is. Real life i do not even seek conversation either bout my topics of interest let alone anything else. 

On the internet on one hand, i can well obviously go deeper into the iceberg looking up info and all the behind the scenes niche lesser known shit from soon to be dead from literally dead irl owners of geocites or the Japanese side of the internet too.  

Real life you could find it prolly on a out of print north american animanga magazine as wikipedia is missing jack shit of stuff and i mean alot of stuff. 

Real life im defiently certain reddit like questions or responses to answers especially in hte passive aggressive way would be very frown upon and only no life losers with bare minimal social skills would even take part in that. 

In real life, the only time i could really remember hearing such an interesting tidbit was surprise surprise, a woman working at a game store i sometimes visit outside of my area told me how digital devil saga games are still in circulation cause of how it sold well and how fairly affordable it was to get them before inflation happened of course that is. (Fuck you sleepycreepy and all the EA type corporations out there. :/ ) 

And rarely if i do go outside, i get random passerbyers ask me who my favorite character is depending on the game or anime shirt i wear small talk stuff as i unfortunately have to utilzlse else my car or myself is going to get wigsplit by an obnoxious normalfag and im not even joking here considering how the area i live in is grimy like that as well as another reason why im a societal drop out too lol. 

And its how i also learned occasionally about, some deal the online stores dont have hell maybe an import there too very very rarely a game i was not aware about i mean obviously i stopped buying and looking forward to anything new a long time ago and im not even being an ironic hipster here, i just am simply too burned out and tired for countless things that i pretty much stick to my personal tastes as is in addition to my own personal isolative tendencies too for my own sanity safety and comfort. 

Social interactions wise, same thing again real life zero online also equally zero too its always especially a pissing contest that bleeds over from place to place the only real winning card to play is to not play at all period.  

Theres speciality groups irl as there is online sure for hobbies, however im not part of any anime club irl, and on discord its only just the underground whats in vegas stays in vegas type of anti woke weeb servers that frowns upon normalfag fuckery or uwushit and thats it fuck everyone else and I've heard from readers how troonys and crossdressers and other kinds of subversives joins their groups they are part of it and thats all it just takes to fuck things up. 

So real life or the internet whats the poison for you? For me personal neither just alone in my own bubble thats it the internet is dogshit and the real world is dogshit period.  

For anyone else that WOULD rather choose what would you think let me know down in the comments below. 




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