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super robot wars og saga endless frontier

Super Robot Wars Endless Frontier Og Saga is a ds spin off based on the super robot wars series. 

Its story basically focuses around the world of super robot wars with monolith soft characters as this game was developed by Monolith Soft and it also focuses around on a turned based combo system similar to the teams earliest games with the xeno series. 

Nothing really that special honestly more so a promotional tool to get other bandai ips in the spotlight honestly. 

The game also mixes in inspiration from fairy tales to also other monolith ips too like Xenosaga with kos-mos and the namco x capcom the predecessor for project x zone.  Its more so focused on the original characters thankfully cause namco x capcom still sadly isn't released elsewhere outside of Japan.

The characters themselves are just meh nothing really all that special outside of the fairytale influences of course kos-mos is the exception to the rule since she pretty much will always be the star out of any xeno games imo. 

There is a good amount of fanservice so before anyone says anything Monolith has been doing this before xenoblade was even a thing and it wasn’t just out of nowhere to pander to the “weebs” so miss me with that boobaphobia b.s. 

Endless Frontier features multiple worlds with combat taking place on foot. Aside from the playable characters in the game, mecha, many of them similar to the ones from the Original Generation games, are controllable by the player's actions and issuing of commands. The battle system is similar to that of Namco × Capcom (another game developed by Monolith Soft), in that attack commands during battle are issued via timed button presses, rather than through the menu system typical of the role-playing genre. The player can chain these attacks together to execute long attack combinations while issuing a new set of commands, such as support from characters placed in the "back row". The mecha featured in this game are much smaller than the ones in the Super Robot Wars series, appearing at around 3 meters tall. 

Combat is basically the random encounter stuff which gets boring after a while. 

So the overall battle system was fairly interesting. 

The game also can give you bonuses if you have any super robot wars games for the gba too. 

The dialogue boxes can be fairly wordy and lenghty to go through keep in mind. 

The pixel graphics were pretty decent and nicely detailed not really could be said the same for the overhead map itself. 

The artstyle too was also decent as well. 

The music was decent too. 

Overall it was an alright game. 

It gets 4 out of 5 stars. 


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