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survival guide 101

So its been a thing for like honestly centuries now that throughout the ages, theres always a form of puritanism from self righteous moral guardians aka grifters looking for all kinds of excuses in the name of morality greater good types of bullshit thats really just censorshit and we all know how much total shit it can really be. 

In the 90s it was the alt shit, from industrial,metal,punk,hard rock,grunge and anything alt you name it it would be crucified and also hip hop too even Kendrick Lamar J Cole Lupe Fiasco K-os the so called socially concious rappers that are really just honestly just captain crunch types once they get clout and money to tell you the truth, would still be put under the sword by c delores tucker and her self fellagating simps too like no its not Drill Music or Gangsta rap or any kind of transgressive alt music ruining the kids its the kids themselves from social media addictions and improper parenting because of  any kind of abuse at home and ipads being babysitters not cause of Classified or Mayhem . 

Rock and roll was even viewed satanic by the church like how is Barry Maniolow,Santana and AC/DC like whats next peppa pig is satanic illuminati shit too? We all know the song and dance now bout these hypocrites and their rules for thee bullshit is pretty much just all beyond useless and should never be taken in any kind of form seriousness at all whatsoever especially in consideration even to this day one side on the tradcath side has closeted Vito Spatafore greasing the union and eating johnny cakes types while the other side on the Left has The Diddler Jimmy Saville and Chris Chan types too. 

I’m not discounting centrists either miss me with that bullshit they’re just grifters that fuel the flames and giving the benefit of the doubt with co-existence and halfed ass rationalizations and justifications for either sides bad behavior is only just cancer and it always all of what i mentioned never works at all. 

So here in reality, you really have to be careful in order to keep your sanity intact as well as to do your best in retaining critical thinking,media literacy and not the kind breadtube goes on about just to push their socialist communist bullshit as well as maintain your common sense in a time where honesty and truth is being under persecution due to, the result of the most beyond useless job on the planet right up there with walmart greeters “Activism” causing absolute clusterfucks disasters for everything and anything they come across and had it come there own way, it would be psycho pass in all of its worse aspects imaginable so its pretty clear as day, politics of any and all kinds be it corporate especially  the hr side of things or government is total fucking cancer that should all die so speaking of death here’s a step by step handguide cause wikihow and all forms of self help guides are all total cancer on how to combat wokeshit/moral guardian/puritan shit and make sure that it stays dead too. 


Step 1 avoid communities and fandoms offline or online at all times. 

Having absolute zero contact in real life or online is an total must if you want to keep your sanity in tact. Countless communities that gets bigger will unfortunately attract normies and other types of obnoxious tourists from tiktokkids,moral puritans and clout chasers using brainrot as a personality trait and using a flavor of the month just to be as fucking obnoxious as possible. 

If you’re involved in any discord servers,anime groups online or offline twitter communities or facebook groups you best drop out right away as when shit hits the fan everyone and everything gets caught and stained forever so obviously you really do not want that to come onto you. So better to drop out now than later when the disaster occurs. 

Stay away from conventions too, as thats a huge flower garden for wokies to gather and spread their propaganda doesnt matter if its a regular local pop culture convention or the bigger anime conventions like otacon or anime north stay the hell away from them at all times not too mention lot of wokies sell their artifical tumblr cal arts style butchered shit,genshit and kpop degeneracy and now more recently helluva boss of all things which always seems to bring the most sexobssed degenerates to the yard so not supporting shit you don’t want to see goes a long way to go as well as maintaning reclusiveness at all times too which brings us to our next step. 


2) Don’t buy anything you don’t want to support. 

You're not going to get raped by Edward Norton  Ethan Hawke 50 cent Dr Dre Mase Busta Rhymes  Cam’ron  Eminem Nas David Chase Tommy Lee Jones,Harison Ford and Kendrick Lamar all at once just because you chose not to see Black Panther and nor are you some kind of istaphobic bigot just cause like Shimoneta.   

And you’re not going to get blackmailed by Beyonce,Ryan Reynolds and Margot Robbie into being forced to push dei shit either just cause, you don’t want to have hr infest the workplace with wokeshit either. 

Wanna keep physical media safe easy don’t be a tvoid and simp for or buy goyslop from any stream service easy peasey. 

If anything i highly recommend buying transgressive piss off the prudes type of anime,manga and Japanese video games like gal gun,jigoku shoujo,shimoneta,psycho pass and Kill La Kill to piss these freaks off especially new and directly from the official places that sell them too. Even buying black metal or the 90s era of horrorcore from the early strange music days as one such example goes a long way in scaring the hoes as the kids would call it lmao as thats real edgy stuff and real sexy stuff not the safehorny bear (not man) fucking yarichin, or the safedgy wannabe shadow the edgehog type shit like lmao I've seen wokies who can’t handle anything with a bit of edge to it and are prepatually unironically stuck in kid shows or if not that always the one part fetish shit the other part uwu shit types of shojo especially the clamp and ai yazawa types too with the amount of misandry they have and naturally supporting misandry/misogny ironic like trooning out and living a life of sterotypes like drag and crossdressing is a no no and neither is supporting the unironic ones like the shit on tiktok and instagram spamming shit like kill on men especially with uwu type emoticons or emojis that shit is actually unironically reportable along with other threats too something that leads to another point I'll get to shortly. 

Also as a sidenote the whole anime needs to be more seinen/josei like is really just self hating hipster anime fans/wokies who need justification to sanitize to make anime look smarter than they already are and that to me sounds like real elitism imo. 

But yeah the simple act yet consomoerism brainrot mindset of normies and other npcs make it look difficult but it really all isn’t difficult quite the opposite.  When overwatch 2 came out, i bought fairy fencer for the ps3 instead of buying that game case in point.  

If rich homie quan  lil pump birdman rick ross  50 cent 21 savage opium or young thug is on the radio and you don’t want to hear drug addicted mumble rappers make your own playlist of music you like. Don’t want to see jackasses like the mainstream media on youtube nico nico douga is your friend and so is blocktube to keep idiots like wack100 kai cenat first we feast vladtv,adam22 and dj akademiks away. Don’t like envtubers easy as

 well stick to Japanese vtubers like Alba Sera or Caliope Mori its as easy as that. Nico Nico Douga has better memes and quality of content along with all of the rest of Japanese internet over western centrailzed brainslop any day imo so stick with the otaku weebiness homeyfeel of Japanese internet that you like and you’ll be fine to long with keeping to yourself. 

I wouldn’t recommend buying anime from defunct publishers either as buying from geneon or adv means it all leads to funimation/crunchyrolls pockets if you buy them new. I also wouldn’t reccomend buying from western manga publishers either way too much lolcowlized translations there. So A.I really is the only way going forward for 100 percent 5:5 accurate translations at this point. 

As for workplace wise simple, if you’re in a position of authority scrap all the dei,human resources and leftists out of there easy if you aren’t leave the place asap leftie enviroments always has countless drama and schoolyard catfights going on there so run asap the moment you see shit starting to hit the fan. 

Now outside of pop culture wise also simple don’t buy from any hipster place or any place that has liberals working in it or is a feminist owned company they all close down rather quite quickly too anyways lol guess the pinktax isn’t so real after all lol. You’re not legally obligated to consoom soy or anything plant based or diet drinks. 

Pharma and medical wisesimple don’t buy any rushed out medications or test meds from them and sue them to hell if possible against all the powers that be to really speed up the get woke go broke process. 

It always does work just look at square enix lately with how the failed expectations meme  failutre to credit other devs than just nomura alone and also oter buisness decisions too as a result of years of laurel resting like lot of triple a companies in japan do and dogshit buisness decisions that pretty much at this point literally mean the end for square cause surpririse surprise modern audience is as existent as diddy not being a pedo or oj not being the killer lol. 

So economically speaking boycotting is the most straight to the point way to really piss wokies off. Now onto the pussy/penis pass denial too.

3) victim card denial 

Lot of the reasons why bad people get away with countless shit is one part due to complacency and bad behavior enablement and rationalization especially the opposite gender and kids excuse and they’ll grow out of it. Also the ignore and move on shit to just gaslight and deflect you as the badguy and downplay the harassment one gets. :/ 

The only people who say that shit are always weak willed pussies who still want to be part of the cult of self destruction or the enabling bullies themselves. I see lot of people on the anti woke side admitedly just wonder why they keep getting away with it and it is uncommon but not entirely rare that they face also personal consequences too. Gentle kind loving parenting works for introverted nerdy kids who rather keep to themselves and focus on schoolwork than tiktok faggotry imo ekids and minors on the internet on the otherhand are pretty much kids who  like the adults should be put in the mental asylums for the rest of their lives period. 

All it just takes is a will and a way with evidnece case in point when oda simply exists and gets death threats alot of minors accounts on x gets suspended for a reason and lately Japanese artists and creatives pretty much just noped out and hence why misskey even exists in the first place cause of lolcows behaving schizophrenic to Japan and being actual xenophobes and its funny how they get away with those rules while anyone else who’s like you and i get the short end of the stick. 

Well you can always turn the tables with a simple thing called block and report first find as much incriminating shit you can find old and new and simple report it and block it and if possible even get your friends to do the same too call it hunt a liberal lol. You can even flag breadtuber content for copyright violations and clickbait too and spam also something to look into. If Dj Akademiks can get reported for spam so can anyone. 

Bitch made as it may be to tell you the truth its really just giving them a taste of their own medicine for talking all that shit but cant but a grape in a fruit fight. 

Real life wise thotauditing and reporting to the police for illegal sex operations going on and illegal hrt meds being sold also works too like im certain you can go undercover and sting them if you’re feeling brave only reccomended for those who really are capable of handlign such tasks that are heavy duty irl. 

If its on mal wise thats also pretty easy to flip the fucked up rules system to your favor. Short reccomendations on the shojo side of anime and manga is pretty fucking easy and well worth it  and also easy can of worms to also report wokie threads and users too for derailing and creating shitstorms as well something to think about. 

Glad places are starting to ban social media for minors on the internet now like seriously it really should be 18 plus a long fucking time ago if you ask me. :/ Which leads to another point now. 


4)The Educational system 

Simple just drop out and walk the fuck away from school asap all of it is total fucking garbage online homeschool them from elementary all the way up to high school as i often say. 

Easy as that kids literally are fucking cruel wokescolds and if it isn’t from single parents its from the teachers and other kids itselves too so thats more than enough good reason to get them out of there. 

Kids learn more outside of school anyways than in school being surounded by pedophiles and other types of retarded npc cultists there. 

If your kids wanna take higher education thats all up to them tho lately i see more people taking up apprenticeship trades than despite what alleged studies showing kids being the next wannabe kai cenats and paul brothers  so suprirse surprise on that kind of side note. 

If the woke shows up drop the fuck out immediately.  

Now time for the final step dropping out altogether from the rat race. 


5)Dropping out altogether 

Yep its the most drastic of it all and really the true way to avoid wokeness and stupidity of soyciaty all together. 

Self suficieny is really the only way to survive.  

Walk away from mainstream social media and get rid of hte news asap and absoutlely trust no one at all for shit be it random strangers online or anyone else absoujltely always expect the worse period and just keep to yourselves at all times.  

Only REALY and i mean really go out only if necessary and even then just keep to yourselves stick to self check out don’t give any woke employee money for shit period.  

Same applies for work for those who are employed if possible do it all at home permenatenly. 

The more you keep to yourself the more impossible it is for wokies to get to you. 

So all that being said run just fucking run away from all of the fandoms and stupidity of humanity and soyciaty and don’t ever fucking look back period the end. 



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